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Pull The Moon

One night a little boy looks down a well. The water at the bottom of the well is like a mirror. The boy sees the moon in the water. “The moon has fallen down into the well,: he says himself. “ I must get it out.”
In hurry he goes to get a hook and a rope. He ties the hook to the rope. Then, he holds the rope and lets the hook go down into the well. In this way he tries to pull up the moon. But, the hook catches a big stone under the water. The boy pulls and pulls. But, he can’t pull up the hook.
Suddenly, the stone turns. The boy loses his balance and fells on to his back.

Lying on the ground, he sees the moon in the sky.
“Great!” he says to himself happily. “I have put the moon back in the sky!”

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Mahasiswi Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Padjadjaran angkatan 3 :)


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